Page name: WDB roleplay [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-09-14 05:51:35
Last author: shadow_walker
Owner: shadow_walker
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WDB Roleplay

Arias walked into the clearing lightly clapping his hands "oh really just such a touching scene to damned souls in love with each other your so well.....disgusting" he said and he smiled as the strange fog filled the clearing

Seusyn's head turned to see the hunter, she felt her stomach drop. "I geuss you haven't looked in the mirror lately..." She said in flat tone, still holding Talos.

Arias laughed "that may be true monster but all the same the fact doesnt change that I am going to kill you" he pulled to swords and walked closer

Talos snarled and put Seusyn behind him and stepped foreward this seems to be violating some code of yours doesnt it? attacking an opponent thats not armed"

Seusyn hissed at him. "What do you expect, he's no real hunter, so of coruse he doesn't respect the rules of arm fighting..." She said putting her hands on her hips walking up to him. "Well what say you? Are you a cheep rip off of the real thing? Or would you prefer to hand me one of thoses swords to atlest say you showed some respcet to your oppanet? Or is that asking to much?"

Blaine appeared out of nowhere,"My my my,what seems to be the problem here?"he asked curiously holding a cane.

Arias smiled and spun one of the blades so that the handle pointed to Suesyn "very well then girl but know this taking this blade could mean your death" he said all the time smiling at Talos

Talos growled at Arias then turned to BLaine "who are you are you with the hunter?" he growled low his fangs lengthening

Seusyn smiled. "How so? You couldn't even keep a captured vampier for to long let along make him talk...Arias is it?...YOu don't know my history..." She said simply, pushing the blade away. "I don't thinkI'll really need it anymore...It looks of blanced anyways." Seusyn was well awaer of the other vampier.

Talos laughed as Seusyn insulted the slayer

Arias snoted and stuck the blade point first into the ground and took a few steps back "we can begin whenever your ready"

Seusyn smiled at the hunter. "I was ready the day I was born, you on the other probley needed to train for years to get to the leavel your at..." She wanted to anger him, yes she had centurys of Slayers and Hunters blood running through her vains, but she knew not to let him het the better of her.

Arias simply shrugged "all things take time to make draculina any master of the blade can tell you that"

Seusyn shrugged. "If thats what you want to believe..." She said smiply.

Aria smiled at her and laughed "so then little half vampire girl is your tongue the only thing thats sharp?"

Blaine had not answered Talos' question,instead he watched the girl and Arias.

Seusyn shrugged looking at him. "You'll find out soon enough..." She said, taking in her surrounding, the newly come vampier, made her nervous for many reasons, but was Aria waiting for her to attack?

"Do I make you nervous?"Blaine asked staring at Seusyn.

Arias drew his blade encridibly fast and leveled it at the other vampire "this exchange has nothing to do with you at the moment"

Talos moved closer to Seusyn ready to blink and get her out of the way

Seusyn hissed at him. "Hush..." And with her final word, she striked Arias, knocking the blade out of his hand kicking it up.

Arias smiled and stepped foreward his hand reaching out to grab the ankle of her kicking leg

Seusyn body was strang forcefull, even when he caught her leg, there was still a strong impack. Her claws were coming out...

Arias nodded "some what impressive" he then tossed her leg trying to flip "but still no where near as impressive as that monster you claim to love"

Seusyn allowed herself to flip, but landed low on her feet, swinging her arm up almost as fast as Talos could move, the train his bother knew that would come in handy. She had cut face from his jaw right up to his forehaed. It wouldn't kill him, but leave and very nasty scare. "The only monster I see here is you..." She said stepping back, feeling rage and hate rising in her stomach. Seusyn had the sickening, feeling he was going to want to get even for the strach mark. She realy did put brought up the meaning 'cat fight' to a new meaning.

Arias ran a finger along the cut the bleeding had already stopped what kind of creature was he grabbing the second blade he rushed foreward his speed amazing the blade looked like it was aimed to cut across but then he changed the momentum and cut upwards

Seusyn had just backed away last mintune, cutting the tip os her hair. from the he moved and how the cut had stopped bleeding, she could tell, he wasn't human! Seusyn had glanced at Talos, her mind racing for what could he have been.

Arias smiled at her "dont look to him little monster" he said a strange accent comming to his voice "I have been around longer then he has I am not like anything you have ever faced before"

Seusyn watched him, a deathly glare. ".......So your not hunter, your thing you hunt?" She said, sounding more like a statment then a question.

Arias laughed "no I am not some kind of monster like you I am different" he said and stepped swinging his blade again

Seusyn growled at him, stopping the blade by grabbing his wrist, filping him over, by snapping his wrist, being well awaer of his other blade. "Diffrent? isn't that why you hunt us?"

Arias landded on his back but quickly spun up and whipping his arm realigned the broken bones and swung again the blade point dancing across her skin "one of many reasons" he said

Talos growled lower and took a step foreward he wanted to help her

The blade had cut her shoulder lightly, causing it to bleed. Not really caring for it, she stood her ground. How was this to end? He wasn't human meaning there was another element to this playing filde. Why did this feel right? Like she was up holding an old and forgotten oath, god she wished she had her sword, the blade that he father had made. It was specail more then ever, she missed her family, which brought out a new kind of power within her. "Can you honsetly say that your doing any good, when your just as hopeless as the next? Closed minded, and a fool whi will never understand life or what it means to live, to have lost..." She felt sad for him, but hate as well, a mix of emtions. Seusyn felt a tug of magic, from a spell class, but vampiers couldn't use it, atlest not a full vampier anyways, a more confussing polt to her history began shine, as she foucse a smiple holly light blade spell. A fanit memory of her childhood, an old wemon being able to cute throught the darkest of foe, as if she were looking through someone eles eyes. Seusyn hadn't relize, that she had cut Arias blades in half. She stood there shocked and confussed, a shimmering light was glowing around her hands like there was once a blade there...

Arias was impressed he knelt down and picked up the two halves of the sliced blades "hmm so your not quite a full vampire your somthing in between then" he tossed the blades at her and Talos half heartedly "so I see these average blades just wont due I will have to take a rain check on this little tussel" he stepped back and as the mists around him grew denser he seemed to fade alittle more "but remember this lil' vampire I will return and then I will have my pound of flesh" his voice echoed the strange accent once again creeping into his voice

Talos blinked himself over to Seusyn putting his arms around her he still growled low in his throat his eyes scanning the clearing keeping an eye out for anyone else that might be trying to attack them "Seusyn are you allright?" he asked

Seusyn was still to stun to move let alone talk. What had she seen and felt. She felt her cheek burn and relized that there were tears runnng her face. Seusyn looked up at Talos. Did he notice, care, was he mad? Slowy she wrapped her arms around his frame. "no..." Was her reply. She wanted to just falot away. "i want to go home...." She said into his chest.

Blaine was staring at Seusyn,"That was amazing."he said simply.

Talos kissed her lightly and then turned to Blaine he glared at him "who are you?" he demanded as he held Seusyn close to himself he wanted to protect her not sure how she had cut the blade Arias had been holding he didnt think she could use magic and now she was crying Talos was alittle over whelmed he didnt know what to do

"I'm not here to hurt either of you,my name is Blaine."Blaine said looking at Talos.

Talos nodded though he still kept a carefull eye on the new comer "do you go to the academy?" he asked the vampire

Blaine smirked,"Maybe I do,maybe I don't,what do you think?"

Seusyn stayed in his arms, but her eyebrow twicthed at Blaine's reponse to Talos question, still in a deep mix of emotion, she growled. "If you don't want to end up like those blades, you'll answer the with an answer insted of another question..." She said sighing, she didn't mean for it to come out harsh, but what had happen and another preson showing up at that monet, put her on edge.

Talos snarled at him "if you do go to the academy then meet us there and we will talk if you dont then I will find you at another time" and then Talos picked up Seusyn and blinked away

Seusyn body tensed at he blinked them bak to the school. Her mind as racing, what had happened back there? It felt allmost as if someone eles had token over her body, but she wa still in complete controll. Seuysn wrapped her arms around his neck, burring herhead into his chest, wanting to hide from the wrold.

Talos blinked again taking them to her room Talos laid her down gently and pulled some blankets over her

Seusyn looked at Talos. She pushed the blankets off her and sat up. She didn't know what to say or let alone what was going to happen now? She wanted to know if Talos was mad at her or such.

Talos tried to press her back into the bed "rest little one everything is ok just lay back" he seemed concerned he was distracted though he had no idea what was going on

Seusyn still refused to lay back. "No, I'm not tired..." She said just above a whisper. She held his arms, she needed him, close to her, to know the ground from under her feet wouldn't cave in on her. She was scared and needed someone, but her mind replayed the fight over and over again. "Talos..."

Talos felt her desperate grip on his arms and climbed into the bed next to her and pulled her close so that she was against his chest one hand began stroking her hair "its allright Seusyn calm down everythings okay"

Seusyn shivered, holding Talos, in wonder of what had happen to the other vampier. She sniffled, looking up at him. "I...I'm sorry..." She whispered, burring her head back into his chest.

Blaine was still in the same spot,I think that girl was in shock. he thought before he disappeared and reappeared at the school.

Talos sat there totally overwhelmed he rocked her back and forth while stroking Seusyns hair "sshh there is nothing to be sorry about little one"

Seusyn sat there in his arms, her mind drifting in and out of thought about what had happened. Her heart afultter, he still cared but seemed overwhelmed. "...Are....are you ok?" she asked, keeping a tight hold of him.

Blaine had went inside,I hope that girl is alright. he thaought to himself as he went to the roof.

Talos nodded his head "yes little one I am fine but you still need sleep" he said and tried once again to lay down though this time he still held her in his arms

Seusyn layed in his arms, almost lifeless. What had ever happened, scared her. She didn't know how she came to summon such a forbbinng light, no could unless human or born in the light. Seusyn shivered in fear of what was to happen.

Talos kissed her forehead softly "get some sleep little one your tense you must relax" he said still racking his brain trying to find out how she had summoned that light

Seusyn sighed, taking in his sent, closing her eyes. It was odd that he could clam her, she found comfort in him that made her mind ease.

Talos patted and rubbed her back "just go to sleep little one"

Seusyn looked up at him, she just started into his eyes, almost looking for something.

Talos looked down at her "is there somthing wrong?" he asked still worried about her

Seusyn shook her head, and kissed his cheek. "No...I...I am sorry..." She spoke quitelt, amlost scared as if someone would hear her.

Talos kissed her softly "dont be little one just get some sleep you look shaken and I need to find where the newcomer stands"

Seusyn went quite, he had to go. She sighed and layed down, biting her lower lip, she didn't want him to leave, but her was right, he had to find the newcomer.

Blaine had went to the roof he was sitting on the roof looking at the sky.

Talos felt torn he wanted to stay with her and his heart screamed for him to do so but in his mind he knew that he couldnt just let that new comer wonder around and not know his stance in all this he didnt know what to do.

Blaine was thinking about Seusyn and Talos and he hoped Seusyn was ok.

Talos got up with a snarl and kissed Seusyn one more time "I will be back as soon as I can" and he headed for the door

Blaine had gotten up to strech, he then walked to the edge of the roof and looked out at the trees.

Seusyn felt tears in her eyes. Was he mad? The thought broke her heart, more then ever; she wanted more then ever to start this day over again, or avoid the part that just happened. Seusyn pulled her sheets close to her body.

Talos turned at the door and looked at Seusyn "little please stay safe until I return and remember I love you"

Maybe I should go find Talos. Blaine thought as he went to a door and went down some stairs leaving the roof.

Seusyn looked at him, a small smile appearing on her features. "...ok..." Her throat was dry, and but hearing his words put her heart at ease.

Talos smiled and closed the door gently before blinking off down the hall he had some one to find

Blaine was walking down the hall and after a while Talos came into view.

Talos looked over and saw Blaine "you!" he said and blinked over to him "we need to talk"

"Ok, let's talk then." Blaine said looking at Talos, "Oh, is your friend ok, she looked ill last time I saw her." he said thinkin of Seusyn.

Talos narrowed his eyes "dont worry I will take care of her" he said probably more venomisly then needed but he was very protective of her "tell me what you were doing in the clearing" he demanded.

"I just went for a walk, I always go for walks in the woods." Blaine said truthfully.

Talos watched him carefully "allright then tell me wheres your loyalty with us or the hunters?"

"I don't really care for either, but I would rather be with you than with the hunters." Blaine said sitting down on the floor.

Talos looked down at him raising an eyebrow "sounds like there is somthing to that I wont ask because I have demons of my own I just wanted to know that your on ourside."

"I'm not stupid, I know that if I tried to help the hunters they would turn on me and kill me without a second thought." Blaine said simply.

Seusyn sat up looking around the room. The room seem to be spinning, and she felt very sick in her stomach. Which she found add, seeing every since she was changed, Seusyn hadn't been sick. Standinf up slowly, not wanting to fall, she walked to the bathroom. Where she found the tolit, on;y to throw up, a clear liqude. Seusyn looked in the mirror. she wasn't a vampier anymore, her skin was full of color , she had fever. The cut on her shoulder wasn't healing as quick as it should've. Did the light do this to her? Was it because something in her past. "What's happening to me?..." She spoke with a shakened voice, falling to the ground, haolding a towle close to her body, shivering. It was as if she was being turned again.

Talos felt a chill run up his spine and looked around somthing telling him that Seusyn was in trouble he looked at Blaine "we can do this later I need to go" he turned and blinked down the hall ways getting back to Seusyns door he shoved it open and looked around "Seusyn?" he called and he waited a few seconds when she didnt answer Talos inhaled deeply it was there that scent of flowers comming from the bathroom he could hear her shivering hear her teeth chattering Talos went to the bathroom door and pushed it open seeing Suesyn on the floor he scooped her up "whats the matter little one whats going on?" he asked worried

Seusyn gasped at Talos icey cold hands, she knew his body was much cooler, but being half and half it did bother her. The Cold made her come back to earth, she looked up at Talos with teary eyes. Atfer afew more mintues of shivering Seusyn passed out, her body went limp almost lifeless.

Blaine had followed Talos because he knew something was wrong, "She looks like a regular human now." he said from the bathroom doorway.

Talos turned some and glared at Blaine "how can she be human I bit her I know she was turning it was strange that it took so long but my brother assured me she would turn how can she be turning back?" he asked almost panicing holding the still form of Seusyn in his arms

Seusyn breathing was shallow; her skin remained the same soft pink color, but that soon faded as well. Seusyn, wake up child, your going to be late... The strange falotly voice called out to Seusyn in her head. It was dark and cold, where was she? Looking around she saw nothing, but the voice called out again. You can't just leave them yet; not when you made so many promises and out of no where the bright light came back, and the next thing she knew; she was looking up at Talos. Her fangs were gone, her eyes a brighht bule, and her skin was warm.

"I'm not sure how, but I think she has turned back." Blaine said seeing her that her eyes were blue, that her fangs were gone, and seeing the color of her skin.

Talos walked over to the bed still carrying Seusyn when he got there Talos gently laid her down "Seusyn little one are you all right?" he asked nervous he didnt know what was going on what was happening

Seusyn looked at Blaine then Talos. "I..." She sat up slowly, she was shivering. "I'm fine...I think..." She said quitely almost out of breath.

"Her wound hasn't healed yet." Blaine said seeing that her wound was still bleeding slightly.

Talos saw the wound and did what came as instinct to him he leaned in and began to lap at the wound licking up the blood that was slowly seeping out

Seusyn looked at Talos as he licked her shoulder, looking at Blaine she blushed. "um...You don't have too, uh " She looked at Talos for a second.

Talos stopped for a second and looked at her with a raised eyebrow "what it will help you heal" he said

Seusyn sighed looking at him. "I don't think it'll do much..." She said, feeling diffrent, she felt like she could break at anytime, when the chilling thought crawled up her spin; was she human? and shouldn't that be impossible? Her head began to hurt from thinking.

Talos stopped and put his arms around her "do you need anything Seusyn?" he asked still worried

seusyn smiled burring her head into his chest; trying to hide her slef. Did he notice her change? would it really matter..."no...I'm ok..." She said, sighing saddly.

"I have a medicine that might help her." Blaine said not looking at them.

Talos turned and raised an eyebrow this new devolopment with Seusyn was setting off his protective instinct no matter how unused they had been they were still sharp as ever his fangs were long "what do you ask for it?" he asked

"Nothing, I just want to help." Blaine said turning to look at Talos.

Talos growled softly for a minute thinking then nodded "ok what is it?" he asked

Sesuyn looked up at the two. "No, I don't need any kind of medicine; but thank you for the offer..." She said, trying not to growl.

Talos looked down at her "are you sure little one?" he asked still concerned

Seusyn looked up at him. "bite me...I mean it..." She said sitting up. "Or I'll ask him to do it..." She said poiting towards Blaine.

Talos didnt even have to debate for a second he leaned down and brushing her hair aside gently bit Seusyns neck and began drawing blood

Seusyn gasped, holding Talos close to her neck, her mind becoming fuzzy. She swore she say faloting lights.

Talos drank but slowly it wasnt his imagination Seusyn was different her blood even tasted different

Blaine looked away assuming that they would want him staring at them.

Talos pulled back after a few deep drinks adn licked the wound to help it heal "are you allright?" he asked still some what concerned the change in her had thrown him off balance

Seusyn layed her head oh his chest. Her heart beat drown out his words, it sounded like drums in her ear's. Feeling a sharp stab in her stomach she whimpered in pain, feeling her body slowly dieing.

Talos grew more worried by the second "Seusyn you need to sleep now" he said before turning to Blaine "get your medicine even if she doesnt want it now she might and I want it to be near by if she does"

Seusyn looked up at Talos, her body tempture droping quickly. "N-No...." She said quitly. The pain from Talos venom brought back the memory of the night Talos attacked her family, hearing the screams. Seusyn was gripping him like he was the inly thing keeping her from dieing.

Talos held Seusyn tightly against him "Seusyn you might need this" he said simply though concern edged his voice

Seusyn felt her heart slowing down to the ponit where it could stop, her breathing was now shallow, but her grip never losened. Seusyn reamebered this pain, she knew she would be alright.

Blaine had the medicine in his pocket, he always carried it with him in case he needed it.

Talos held Seusyn tight he was scared for the first time in a long time he was scared he could hear Seusyns heart slowing down almost stopping

Seusyn felt her last breath of living air and her body went limp, dieing was peaceful. Seusyn skin was still ever so slightly warm, but became a filmaier peralish color, her body layed there lifeless. Get up... a cold voice echoed in her head. Seusyn every so shightly opened her eyes.

Talos bit into his wrist and held it out to Seusyn every vampire that had just turned woke up thirsty "drink" he said simply

Seusyn smellt the blood it filled her mind, she didn't know why, but she did as she was told and drank from him. Feeling a sudden brust, of hunger, pain and want.

Talos pressed his wrist to her lips urging her to drink he also turned to Blaine "have you ever turned anyone?" he asked

Blaine looked at Talos, "No, I haven't."

Talos shook his head "this is bad the last time my brother got her through the change I have no idea what I am doing"

Seusyn felt her stomach crul as she feed off of Talos, she pulled away from another jolt of pain shot through her body. Screaming in pain, her body cruled into a ball as she held on to his werist. She felt her life sliping away, turning.

Blaine looked at Seusyn, and walked over to observe more closely, to see if he can help.

Talos held Seusyn alittle away from him so that Blaine could see her Talos clenched his teeth this was frustrating he could kill somthing bothering her if it was on the outside but this was inside her there was nothing he could do

Seusyn gasped, she just layed there gasping for air. Her head was dizzy, but all seemed fine. Seusyn felt a burning pain on her lower back, but she didn't pay it mind.

"Perhaps what happened in the forest changed her back into a human, I'm not sure what she did back there or how." Blaine said looking at Talos, he then turned to Seusyn, "What does the pain feel like, is it sharp and everywhere, does it feel like needles sticking into you, or what?"

Talos growled "Seusyn tell me is there anything I can do?" he asked his hands gripping her tightly

Talos kissed Suesyns forehead and rocked her back and forth in his lap gently

"Stop moving before i throw up on you..." She grummbled, trying not think about how dizzy she felt, let alone how hungry, the same feeling, the need to feed, after being changed 'again'. "...? whats going on?"

Talos offered up his wrist to Seusyn "are you hungry?" he asked his instincts telling him to provide for her

Seusyn looked at him for a second, then shook her head no. She was hungry but could live threw with out feeding for the time being. "Talos..." She said softly, seeing that Blaine was in room, what had happen and how did she get in to the room, her mind was fuzzy, from the ponit in filde. "what happened?"

Blaine looked at Seusyn, "You look hungry, are you sure you're fine?"

Talos shrugged "I dont know Arias fought with you and some how you used magic he left and then well you turned back into a human" he said some how there was more to it than that but he didnt know what

Seusyn looked at the two for a second blinking. "Yes; Blaine I am fine...But I don't reamber fighting anyone, let alone..." She paused for a second, laying in Talos arms, feeling a filmare warmth. "I was human? I've always been half....never full...but magic is almost impossible for vampiers unless drak, which I don't know how to use..."

Talos shrugged "I dont know what it is, and I cant even begin to guess how that happened the only person I can think of that might would be my brother.." he let the sentence trail off

Seusyn shiver at the thpught of asking his brother. Would that cause more probles, or try and frocing in teaching other vampiers? It was odd enough that she couldn't be fully turned but magic, holly magic that didn't burn her. and the vision of some women? She thought she might start screaming, oh the hunter; he wasn't human either; what was that about?

Blaine noticed Seusyn shiver, "By Seusyn's reaction, I take it that your brother is not the greatest person in the world."

Talos snorted and nodded his head "yeah remind me to show you the scars he gave me some time and that will answer all your questions" he said relaxing alittle more now that Seusyn seemed to be allright

Seusyn sighed saddly remeabering what had happened to Talos, she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Honsetly, you think he's a nice guy but when you get to know him, he can be quite evil."

Blaine looked from Talos to Seusyn and back again, "So he's evil and violent?"

Talos nodded his head "in some ways he believes he does what he does to uphold the pact of the seven families"

Seusyn sigh lightly, looking down at the ground, playing with Talos hands. She never liked talking about this stuff.

Talos shrugged "lets change the topic" he thought for a minute "are you feeling up to going out Suesyn?" he asked hoping to get her mind off what had happened

Seusyn looked up at Talos her eyes filled with saddness, she was embrassed by what happened, he didn't derivse to worry about her, He's been threw to much already. Was he right, would she only be hurting him? "Yeah...I'm fine..." She said so quitly it was like a whisper.

A troop of misshapen figures in robes and cloaks approached carrying what appeared to be a throne with curtains around the seat the person inside not visible. A stern overpowering voice speaks up over the incessant gibbering"Mawksa na!" the language incredibly foreign all of the cloaked figures responded with another set of words "Vex nah! Vex Nah!" almost a chanting.

Talos heard the chanting comming from outside and raised an eyebrow "Seusyn I need to go see whats going on outside do you want to stay here of go with me?" he asked putting an arm around her shoulder

Seusyn stood up holding on to him. "I'm fine Talos...I'll go with as always...." She said softly.

Talos nodded "you might need a weapon" he said handing her her knives and stood up offering Suesyn his hand

Seusyn took his hand holding her blades, she smiled up at him. "hehe I think I'll be fine"

One of the cloaked figures pulled away from group and rushed into the bushes soon many did the same scattering off into different area's leaving only the six carrying the throne.The heavy voice within the curtains resonated once more "Burakax...purak..." The six lowered it to the ground and a silhouette within the curtains moved about

Talos walked out the front doors of the academy wearing blue jeans boots and a black vest exsposing most of his scars especially those on his arms to any that might be watching

Seusyn fallowed closely, by Talos still wearing her short shorts, her boots cutting off just befor her knees. the white tank hugging her curves.

The curtain itself spread sunlight gracing the magnificently smooth skin of the Goblin lords face.Black tattoos run up and down his body broken apart only by clothing. He smiled and stepped out into the light completely "tevix? seshi!" With those words a smaller figure scrambled up and began to explain something with what appeared to be a map.

Talos whispered to Suesyn "wait here" he said and walked foreward easily his eyes sharp scanning the darkness "what is it you are looking for here?" asked Talos taking another step foreward easily

Seusyn stood close looking to the side. Then back at the man who came out of the werid charge.

"Hmm hmm hmm hwa ha ha ha" The tattooed figure chuckled lightly as he stepped closer locking eyes with Talos. His eyes a deep magenta with runes flowing around the iris.

Blaine had followed Seusyn and Talos and stood next to Seusyn wearing black jeans, a white button down shirt, and a lose red tie, "What's going on?"

The man smiled widely and pulled his fist up and allowed energy to flow through it,Electricity flowed through it.Glowing a deep red lighting up the area.

Talos put his hands down a half smile on his face "if your tempting a fight you might want to pick some one else stranger"

He held his ground,his eyes filling with what seemed to be joy.He held out his hand and fired a bolt towards Talos,this,however was not meant to kill

Talos smiled visciously and held up his arms in front of him letting the blast hit him it hurt but he could tell that there could have been more power in the blast

The man laughed it off" accept my challenge do you?" his words now in plain english.

Seusyn couldn't help but run up to Talos standing in between the two. "Enough, or do you want to cause reall trouble for everyone who's here by acttracking hunters?" She said to the two.

Blaine sighed and stood a few feet behind Talos, watching waiting to intervene if need be.

The pail skinned man frowned "I will be alerted ages before they reach us..." His face returned to a smile.

Sighing, Mordecai watched the fight from the sidelines, hidden in the shadows so no one could see him. He didn't wish to be discovered just yet, for he didn't know much about the town anyways; so, he wasn't sure if they would be kind to him, an Elf of all things, or despise him to the point where they would want to drive him off. It has happened plenty of times before... In fact, hunters have been trying to track him down for decades. He knew it would be best for him to lay low for a while.

Blaine looked bored as he stopped watching the two and looked around him for something interesting.

Talos was growling low his fangs long in rage his fists clenched he wanted to attack that other figure but was trying to keep himself in check because of Seusyn

Seusyn shook her head. "thats benod the ponit. If they even know where this place is for a second; there will be more lives at stake." She growled at the new comers; she had an odd feeling about this one.

The goblin lord laughed"Hide no longer..." He said calmly.

"Hold on a second." Blaine said looking at the newcomer who spoke, "Are you seriously going to put other lives in danger for some fight?" he finished glaring at him.

Talos took a few steps closer drawing even with where Seusyn stood between them his fangs bared he was still struggling to maintain controll but it was still hard

Mordecai finally stepped out from the shadows, realizing how serious this situation was. He wanted to help in some way or form no matter the circumstances. "Is there anything I can do to help resolve this problem?" he asked solemnly.

Talos turned so that he could see the two of them his fangs bared as he growled and hissed at them with his mind fogged with rage it was hard to tell who was friend and who was foe

Seusyn saw Talos, she was scared that something bad would happen,     quickly she walked up behind him, wrapppng her arms around him tightly. "Talos..." Sheh said.

"cursed..hmm?" The goblin smiled widely "that's interesting..." His words trailed off as if he where lost in thought.

Blaine looked from Talos and Seusyn to the goblin, He's an odd one. he thought staring at him.

Talos felt Suesyn put her arms around him and in some way it stopped him from leapiing at the goblin or anyone else

"Names? you have them right?" He said with a rude smile

"I am Mordecai, a traveler and an Elf," Mordecai responded from behind the group, glaring into the goblin's eyes. "And why do you trouble these people? You have no right."

Blaine looked at Mordecai, I've never seen an Elf up close before. he thought to himself.

Seusyn looked at the elf for a momnet. "Seusyn...But why ar eyou here and just who do you think you are?"

Talos shook some of the rage from him taking a few steps closer to the goblin the darker side of him screaming for him to attack

"My name is Blaine." Blaine said to the elf.

"Pleasure to meet you, Blaine," Mordecai said before returning his attention to the goblin.

Talos growled low and getting past Seusyn leapt at the goblin claws held at the ready and fangs bared

Stylus twirled his Staff and used it to block the oncoming attack "aha this is what I live for..."

Talos roared and made a strong swipe with his claws trying to cut deep into the goblin with them following up the attck with his other hand

Seusyn stood in horror. "Stop it!" she cried out

The Goblin smiled and leaped back and flipped his staff around lighting running up and down it it showed its true form,A massive glave with a spear on the opposite end. He swung his now enormous weapon at his attacker with haste

Talos felt the glave clip his shoulder spinning him, he allowed the spin to go through kneeling mid spin and lashing out a kick when he faced the goblin again

Stylus ducked but the kick still connected knocking him back a ways. He pulled himself to his feet and launched a bolt at the beast.

Seusyn ran in front of Lucian; stoping the bolt whit her blade; it'd glow with the impack. "ENough!"

Talos roared but stopped once again he was halted by Suesyn he still took an aggresive stance fangs bared at the goblin

Blaine watched the scene unfold before him.

Talos slipped past Seusyn going into a roll and comming up close to the goblin he lashed out with his claws

Stylus waved his hand past his face as red lightning swirled around it began to solidify and harden creating a shield protecting him from the blow. He laughed again "this is"

Talos growled and launched into a furios flurry of attacks punching kicking and clawing at the goblin

The king ducked and weaved but was torn open by a few blows,if this were any other fighter he'd be meeting their blows with his own but this was a beast. He allowed himself to slide back using his electric magic to push off of the magnetic fields in the area. Once he was a safe distance away he charged his weapon with mass amounts of electricity.

Seusyn felt a creeping of fear up her spin watching Lucian. She did what she was taught too when she thought He would self control; Knock him out and tie him up. Grumbling she came behind Lucian knowing full well all his attion was on the golbin; with the hilt of her blade; she used all of her forse on the back of his head. In the end if it didn't work on him; she would rather he attacked her then involing others in these messy afires.

Talos registered the sound of Seusyn walking up behind him to late when he felt the hilt of the blade smashed into the back of his skull no amount of training could keep him from staggering he lost balance and went into a clumsy roll trying to regain his feet

Seusyn sighed lookig at Talos. "Don't even think of getting up...I really don't want to gamble with your state of when and combat...not yet anyways..." The last part was more of tease then an insulte to him; but she turned her eyes to the goblin king. "If all a fight is what you want; take it eles where this is a place of learning...I'm pretty sure the others would agree..."

"I spoke only of a challenge.... what ever that may be....." Stylus smiled widely and spun around his scepter.

Talos growled low and moved into a crouch glaring at the goblin watching his every move

Talos was growing tied of this and pounced again swiping at the Goblin with his claws

WDB History

Username (or number or email):


2008-11-19 [shadow_walker]: lol sorry things got busy and I decided to take mine in a different idea

2008-11-19 [Piplup]: @___@ nice, real nice...

2008-11-19 [shadow_walker]: he has made himself into a monster to hunt monsters

2008-11-19 [Piplup]: yeah thats not creepy at all lol I want to read it

2008-12-01 [Piplup]: sooo when are the evil dudes going to pop in?

2008-12-02 [shadow_walker]: mine is about to let them know that he intends to kill them

2008-12-02 [Piplup]: 0.o OOOoooh deary! wounder how mine should come in!

2009-01-22 [Piplup]: hey! I'll brb!

2009-02-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: How should my character come in?

2009-02-07 [shadow_walker]: anyway you choose I suppose it doesnt matter so long as its just not totally random though

2009-02-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: OOPS!I didn't realize that I already brought my character in.

2009-02-07 [shadow_walker]: oh well haha then looks like everything is allright then

2009-02-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: yeppers

2009-05-13 [Piplup]: yay new preoson!

2009-06-08 [Goma]: I put my character up as well so I think I'll start

2009-06-09 [Piplup]: very nice

2009-06-09 [Goma]: Eventually he'll speak english but for now he doesn't mkay?

2009-06-09 [Piplup]: mkay

2009-06-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: can you please give me an overview of what happened before I post?

2009-06-12 [Piplup]: hmmm welll so they mer of the worse hunter you can run into; but now they are back at the school and Goma's character is picking a fight with Shadow's character and Seusyn is just being Seuysn by getting in the was and blaine is just watching

2009-06-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: ok how should I bring my character in...I think he's a bit too old for school though lol

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